By Utibe Inyang
In 1956, a British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) flight crashed as an unpredictable thunderstorm cell loomed over Kano, Nigeria. The aircraft operating this service was a Canadair C-4 Argonaut registered as G-ALHE. The aircraft departed Kano Airport at 17:22 UTC on June 24, 1956, heading to Tripoli, Libya. However, there was heavy wind and rain at the time, which made take-off more challenging. As the aircraft climbed after take-off, the Pilots realized that they were actually losing altitude. They applied full power, but that resulted in the aircraft crashing into a 35-foot high tree near the airport.
Of the 45 souls onboard, which consisted of 38 passengers and 7 crew, only 13 survived.
ICAO Accident Digest